The World that Prays Together, Stays Together!
The Power of the Rosary is beyond description! -Ven. Fulton Sheen
If you want to get to heaven! If you want to defeat all your enemies!
If you want to triumph over everything and everyone!
The Power of the Rosary is the way to go!
The Rosary is the Shortest Road to Heaven~Blessed Carlo Acutis
Defeat all your Enemies!~Our Lady
Triumph over Everything and Everyone!~St. Pio
If you want to triumph over everything and everyone!
The Power of the Rosary is the way to go!
The Rosary is the Shortest Road to Heaven~Blessed Carlo Acutis
Defeat all your Enemies!~Our Lady
Triumph over Everything and Everyone!~St. Pio
Ministries of the Power of the Rosary
Every prayer group looks so Amazing that it’s hard to decide which one to join~Patti Maguire Armstrong

The Soldiers of the Rosary
If I had an Army to say the Rosary I could Conquer the World~Bl. Pius IX
This is for anyone who wants to unleash the Power of the Rosary in their lives through two important ways. One: by Praying for the Soldiers of the Rosary everyday and their intentions, this unity of prayer will release many graces in your life. Two: by spreading the Rosary everywhere and every way they can think of. Join Today:
If I had an Army to say the Rosary I could Conquer the World~Bl. Pius IX
This is for anyone who wants to unleash the Power of the Rosary in their lives through two important ways. One: by Praying for the Soldiers of the Rosary everyday and their intentions, this unity of prayer will release many graces in your life. Two: by spreading the Rosary everywhere and every way they can think of. Join Today:

Holy Wounds Crusade
I will grant all that is asked of Me through the invocation of My Holy Wounds. You will obtain win an immense fortune...
The Holy Wounds Crusade's Mission is to convert the whole world to the Love of Jesus through the Powerful Devotion to the Five Holy Wounds of Jesus. To join the Crusade is very easy and very powerful! The short prayers only take a few minutes a day and the promises for those with the Holy Wounds devotion are not to be missed.
I will grant all that is asked of Me through the invocation of My Holy Wounds. You will obtain win an immense fortune...
The Holy Wounds Crusade's Mission is to convert the whole world to the Love of Jesus through the Powerful Devotion to the Five Holy Wounds of Jesus. To join the Crusade is very easy and very powerful! The short prayers only take a few minutes a day and the promises for those with the Holy Wounds devotion are not to be missed.

Ultimate Holy Hour!
A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!-St. Pio
The Ultimate Holy Hour brings Our Lord and Saviour Exposed in the Monstrance as well as the graces of Confession, the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Pray that your Parish Priest will start this Powerful Combination in His Parish at Least One night a week It will bring together so many people who need prayers and confession all together at one time in the week..
A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!-St. Pio
The Ultimate Holy Hour brings Our Lord and Saviour Exposed in the Monstrance as well as the graces of Confession, the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Pray that your Parish Priest will start this Powerful Combination in His Parish at Least One night a week It will bring together so many people who need prayers and confession all together at one time in the week..

Prayer to Mary, Help or Christians
“If you want to see miracles, have devotion to Mary, Help of Christians….The help of God and of Mary will not fail you...I recommend devotion to Mary Help of Christians and frequent Holy Communion.” “Nothing is impossible to God and Mary, Help of Christians.” Join Today:
“If you want to see miracles, have devotion to Mary, Help of Christians….The help of God and of Mary will not fail you...I recommend devotion to Mary Help of Christians and frequent Holy Communion.” “Nothing is impossible to God and Mary, Help of Christians.” Join Today:

The Three O'Clockers
In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others simply by asking~Jesus
Join the Three O'Clockers who do their best to pray everyday during the hour of Mercy (3pm) and also spread the devotion to the Hour of Mercy to everyone they can! (I set my alarm on my phone for 3:05 pm everyday so I never forget!) Join Today!
In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others simply by asking~Jesus
Join the Three O'Clockers who do their best to pray everyday during the hour of Mercy (3pm) and also spread the devotion to the Hour of Mercy to everyone they can! (I set my alarm on my phone for 3:05 pm everyday so I never forget!) Join Today!

Unfailing Prayer to Saint Anthony
St. Anthony of Padua is known as a miracle-worker. A countless number of people over the centuries have prayed to him in faith and have received a miraculous response to their prayers. This prayer to St. Anthony, “has never been known to fail, provided that the request is for one’s spiritual benefit or for those whom we are praying for.” Join Today!
St. Anthony of Padua is known as a miracle-worker. A countless number of people over the centuries have prayed to him in faith and have received a miraculous response to their prayers. This prayer to St. Anthony, “has never been known to fail, provided that the request is for one’s spiritual benefit or for those whom we are praying for.” Join Today!

Prayer to Saint Therese
Saint Therese is one of the most amazing Saints ever and will powerfully help you everyday to grow in her "Little Way" and become a great Saint like her! Pray to her everyday and invite others to join us as well!
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Saint Therese is one of the most amazing Saints ever and will powerfully help you everyday to grow in her "Little Way" and become a great Saint like her! Pray to her everyday and invite others to join us as well!
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Prayer for Priests-St Faustina
"Pray for the priests. Pray with might and do not cease praying, for the devil wants their downfall!
...When a priest falls, we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! ...Oh pray much for My priests, that they'll love purity above all, that they'll celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart.
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"Pray for the priests. Pray with might and do not cease praying, for the devil wants their downfall!
...When a priest falls, we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! ...Oh pray much for My priests, that they'll love purity above all, that they'll celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart.
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Devotees to the Shoulder Wound of Christ
Honor this wound with thy devotion, and I will grant thee whatsoever thou dost ask through its virtue and merit.
The Devotees of the Shoulder Wound of Christ pray a short prayer in honor of the Shoulder Wound of Christ and invite friends and family to join in this devotion whenever they can. Join Today:
Honor this wound with thy devotion, and I will grant thee whatsoever thou dost ask through its virtue and merit.
The Devotees of the Shoulder Wound of Christ pray a short prayer in honor of the Shoulder Wound of Christ and invite friends and family to join in this devotion whenever they can. Join Today:

Prayers for the Pope
Thank you, my God, for the Pope that love for you have placed in my heart. ~St. Jose Escriva
Prayers for the Pope pray everyday a short prayer for the Pope and invite others to join us in our prayers together so that the whole world will pray for the Pope everyday! Join Today:
Thank you, my God, for the Pope that love for you have placed in my heart. ~St. Jose Escriva
Prayers for the Pope pray everyday a short prayer for the Pope and invite others to join us in our prayers together so that the whole world will pray for the Pope everyday! Join Today:

Litany of Humility Prayers
It is by humility that the Lord allows Himself to be conquered, so that He will do all we ask of Him (St. Teresa of Avila). “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues. Hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist, there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance,” said St. Augustine
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It is by humility that the Lord allows Himself to be conquered, so that He will do all we ask of Him (St. Teresa of Avila). “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues. Hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist, there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance,” said St. Augustine
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Prayer to Crush
all the Demons in Your Life!
The Demons are our greatest enemies and we need a Powerful Prayer and the Help of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph with all the Angels and Saints to Crush all the Demons in our Life!
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all the Demons in Your Life!
The Demons are our greatest enemies and we need a Powerful Prayer and the Help of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph with all the Angels and Saints to Crush all the Demons in our Life!
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True Consecraters
These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin.~St. Louis De Montfort
The True Consecraters pray and live out their consecration to Jesus through Mary everyday as well as spread this to the whole world so that Millions of Saints will help convert the world!
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These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin.~St. Louis De Montfort
The True Consecraters pray and live out their consecration to Jesus through Mary everyday as well as spread this to the whole world so that Millions of Saints will help convert the world!
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The Raphaelites
St. Raphael is one of the seven Archangels who stand before the throne of the Lord. He appears, by name, only in the Book of Tobit. Raphael's name means "God heals." The Raphaelites seek to honor St. Raphael and seek his powerful intercession everyday by praying a short prayer!
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St. Raphael is one of the seven Archangels who stand before the throne of the Lord. He appears, by name, only in the Book of Tobit. Raphael's name means "God heals." The Raphaelites seek to honor St. Raphael and seek his powerful intercession everyday by praying a short prayer!
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The Enthroners
The Enthroners is a prayer group of those who try to pray with our arms extended, as Jesus taught Saint Gertrude, whenever we can. We seek to solemnly enthrone Jesus always and everywhere, especially in our hearts. We also pray a short prayer everyday for each other's intentions as well as our own.
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The Enthroners is a prayer group of those who try to pray with our arms extended, as Jesus taught Saint Gertrude, whenever we can. We seek to solemnly enthrone Jesus always and everywhere, especially in our hearts. We also pray a short prayer everyday for each other's intentions as well as our own.
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Three Chapters a Day keeps the Devil Away
is a prayer group of members who try to at least read three chapters of the Bible everyday and pray a short prayer for graces for each other and their intentions everyday. I recommend one chapter from the Gospel, one from the New Testament and one from the Old Testament a day. Join Today!
is a prayer group of members who try to at least read three chapters of the Bible everyday and pray a short prayer for graces for each other and their intentions everyday. I recommend one chapter from the Gospel, one from the New Testament and one from the Old Testament a day. Join Today!

The Doublers
The Doublers pray a simple prayer first prayed by Saint Therese which asked for a double portion of all the angels and saints love. We pray that and also ask a double portion of their graces, virtues and merits as well. All you do is pray the Doublers prayer everyday.
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The Doublers pray a simple prayer first prayed by Saint Therese which asked for a double portion of all the angels and saints love. We pray that and also ask a double portion of their graces, virtues and merits as well. All you do is pray the Doublers prayer everyday.
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The Confessioners
"The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works."
--St. Augustine
The Confessioners was formed so that each member would pray for the grace to make good and frequent confessions and also to pray for each other's intentions and that the whole world joins us! All you have to do as a member is pray the daily prayer and do your best to go to confession at least once a month or better. Join Today:
"The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works."
--St. Augustine
The Confessioners was formed so that each member would pray for the grace to make good and frequent confessions and also to pray for each other's intentions and that the whole world joins us! All you have to do as a member is pray the daily prayer and do your best to go to confession at least once a month or better. Join Today:

The Blessed Sacramenters
Whoever spreads devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is Saved!
If you can, stay a few minutes every day in Eucharistic adoration in front of the tabernacle where Jesus is really present, and you will see your level of holiness increase considerably. -Bl. Carlo Acutis
The Blessed Sacramenters was formed to bring together everyone who loves Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and wants to pray for the graces to spend more time with Him everyday. Join Today!
Whoever spreads devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is Saved!
If you can, stay a few minutes every day in Eucharistic adoration in front of the tabernacle where Jesus is really present, and you will see your level of holiness increase considerably. -Bl. Carlo Acutis
The Blessed Sacramenters was formed to bring together everyone who loves Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and wants to pray for the graces to spend more time with Him everyday. Join Today!

Devotees of the Sacred Heart
The names of those who promote this devotion will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out. ~Jesus
Devotees of the Sacred Heart do everything they can to promote the devotion to the Sacred Heart in their families and throughout the entire world. The best way to spread to devotion is to live it everyday so that people will see the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus pouring through you and will want it too. Also invite others to join us. To become a member one only needs to pray a simple prayer everyday preferably in the morning upon waking up. Join Today:
The names of those who promote this devotion will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out. ~Jesus
Devotees of the Sacred Heart do everything they can to promote the devotion to the Sacred Heart in their families and throughout the entire world. The best way to spread to devotion is to live it everyday so that people will see the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus pouring through you and will want it too. Also invite others to join us. To become a member one only needs to pray a simple prayer everyday preferably in the morning upon waking up. Join Today:

Please Pray for Us! Suffering Souls in Purgatory
“When I am released you will see that I will do far more for you than you have ever done for me. I already pray much for you.”-Soul in Purgatory
In writing this book, I wish to kindle a fire in everyone’s hearts to empty Purgatory now! Souls in Purgatory are about to win something worth more than all lotteries put together, they are about to win heaven forever. Once in heaven they will never forget those who helped them when they were in purgatory suffering more than all the sufferings in the world combined. You can help them when they need your help more than ever. They will repay you immediately by praying for you. This book will teach you prayers and sacrifices to empty Purgatory!
To order go to:
“When I am released you will see that I will do far more for you than you have ever done for me. I already pray much for you.”-Soul in Purgatory
In writing this book, I wish to kindle a fire in everyone’s hearts to empty Purgatory now! Souls in Purgatory are about to win something worth more than all lotteries put together, they are about to win heaven forever. Once in heaven they will never forget those who helped them when they were in purgatory suffering more than all the sufferings in the world combined. You can help them when they need your help more than ever. They will repay you immediately by praying for you. This book will teach you prayers and sacrifices to empty Purgatory!
To order go to:

Three and Three Hail Marys
This devotion was started by my daughter Sarah who prays three Hail Mary's whenever she is in need of something special and three in thanksgiving when they are answered. I also started to do this as well whenever I need quick prayer intentions and the results have been nothing short of amazing for both of us so we are now sharing this powerful quick prayer method whenever you are in a tight spot.
This devotion was started by my daughter Sarah who prays three Hail Mary's whenever she is in need of something special and three in thanksgiving when they are answered. I also started to do this as well whenever I need quick prayer intentions and the results have been nothing short of amazing for both of us so we are now sharing this powerful quick prayer method whenever you are in a tight spot.

The Daily Communicants
You go straight to Heaven if you participate in the Mass everyday!~Blessed Carlo Acutis
The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it.~Father Sullivan
The Daily Communicants are those who hunger to receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist everyday and rejoice to receive Him as often as they can! They also spread their love for the Holy Eucharist whenever possible. For whoever spreads devotion to the Holy Eucharist is Saved. It is not necessary to receive Jesus everyday in the Holy Eucharist but having a firm desire to if and whenever possible. Join Today:
You go straight to Heaven if you participate in the Mass everyday!~Blessed Carlo Acutis
The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it.~Father Sullivan
The Daily Communicants are those who hunger to receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist everyday and rejoice to receive Him as often as they can! They also spread their love for the Holy Eucharist whenever possible. For whoever spreads devotion to the Holy Eucharist is Saved. It is not necessary to receive Jesus everyday in the Holy Eucharist but having a firm desire to if and whenever possible. Join Today:

Grandchildren of Saint Anne
The honor you show to my mother is doubly dear and pleasing to me. I admonish you to venerate and praise my dear mother also, if you desire great graces from me."~Our Lady
The Grandchildren of Saint Anne was formed to have everyone adopt Saint Anne as our grandmother. Through this adoption we are sure to obtain many, many graces as she is the mother of the "Mother of All Graces" and through her intercession we are sure to obtain all that we ask for as long as it is in the most loving, merciful will of God. "Those who honor Saint Anne will obtain great aid in every need, especially at the hour of death...Join Today::
The honor you show to my mother is doubly dear and pleasing to me. I admonish you to venerate and praise my dear mother also, if you desire great graces from me."~Our Lady
The Grandchildren of Saint Anne was formed to have everyone adopt Saint Anne as our grandmother. Through this adoption we are sure to obtain many, many graces as she is the mother of the "Mother of All Graces" and through her intercession we are sure to obtain all that we ask for as long as it is in the most loving, merciful will of God. "Those who honor Saint Anne will obtain great aid in every need, especially at the hour of death...Join Today::

Decade a Day Disciples
A Decade a Day Keeps the devil Away!~The Rosary Doctor
The 3D's Mission is to have the whole world pray a Decade a Day for each other's intentions and that we also all become Children of Mary. To Join all you have to do is: 1. Pray the Decade a Day Disciples Prayer 2. Pray a Decade a Day The benefits are that every member prays for each other so the more members the more powerful all of our individual Decades become. Currently there are over 19,000 members praying for each other.
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A Decade a Day Keeps the devil Away!~The Rosary Doctor
The 3D's Mission is to have the whole world pray a Decade a Day for each other's intentions and that we also all become Children of Mary. To Join all you have to do is: 1. Pray the Decade a Day Disciples Prayer 2. Pray a Decade a Day The benefits are that every member prays for each other so the more members the more powerful all of our individual Decades become. Currently there are over 19,000 members praying for each other.
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Go to St. Joseph: Do Whatever He tells you!
“I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint, for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God”-St. Teresa of Avila
I can’t stress enough just how important this book is to the Catholics worldwide especially for Men.-Joe Sales
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“I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint, for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God”-St. Teresa of Avila
I can’t stress enough just how important this book is to the Catholics worldwide especially for Men.-Joe Sales
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Dolls from Heaven
Inspiring Children to Become Saints!
Dolls from heaven are 18 inch Saint Dolls. They come with an outfit based on what the Saint wore during their life. They also come with a book that will inspire children to become saints. Our first Doll is Saint Therese of Lisieux. Our second doll is St. Joan of Arc, the warrior for God. Our third doll is the inspiring and brave St. John Paul II. We hope that our dolls will encourage young children to make Jesus the focus of their lives. Order today:
Inspiring Children to Become Saints!
Dolls from heaven are 18 inch Saint Dolls. They come with an outfit based on what the Saint wore during their life. They also come with a book that will inspire children to become saints. Our first Doll is Saint Therese of Lisieux. Our second doll is St. Joan of Arc, the warrior for God. Our third doll is the inspiring and brave St. John Paul II. We hope that our dolls will encourage young children to make Jesus the focus of their lives. Order today:

The Releasers
Our mission is to “PRAY THEM OUT!” As long as even one soul remains in purgatory that is too many for us. We pray a powerful prayer that is said to release many souls from purgatory every time it is said. All of these souls will become our eternal friends who now that they are RELEASED from these fires shall not forget the ones who “Prayed them out” They will never cease to pray for you in heaven until you join them their.
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Our mission is to “PRAY THEM OUT!” As long as even one soul remains in purgatory that is too many for us. We pray a powerful prayer that is said to release many souls from purgatory every time it is said. All of these souls will become our eternal friends who now that they are RELEASED from these fires shall not forget the ones who “Prayed them out” They will never cease to pray for you in heaven until you join them their.
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The Stationers
Want the Greatest Graces? Then become a Stationer! The Stationers agree to pray a short prayer as well as the Stations of the Cross at least once a week. The promises that they obtain through these prayers plus each member prays for each other as well so that union of prayer also obtains even more graces as the weak are upheld by the strong members. Join Today:
Want the Greatest Graces? Then become a Stationer! The Stationers agree to pray a short prayer as well as the Stations of the Cross at least once a week. The promises that they obtain through these prayers plus each member prays for each other as well so that union of prayer also obtains even more graces as the weak are upheld by the strong members. Join Today:

Sons and Daughters of Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph is urging you to have a devotion to him. The Sons and Daughters of Saint Joseph are men and women who seek to deepen their devotion to Saint Joseph through a few simple prayers to him everyday. Also by meditating on his simple, yet powerful life that now continues into eternity.
I recite the requested prayers every day and feel his special protection.-St.Faustina
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Saint Joseph is urging you to have a devotion to him. The Sons and Daughters of Saint Joseph are men and women who seek to deepen their devotion to Saint Joseph through a few simple prayers to him everyday. Also by meditating on his simple, yet powerful life that now continues into eternity.
I recite the requested prayers every day and feel his special protection.-St.Faustina
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The Army of the Face of Jesus
Our Lord makes us a present of his most Holy Face, that we may thereby be all-powerful before the throne of God.-Sr. Marie Peter
Our Mission is to convert the whole world to the Love of Jesus through the Powerful Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. To join the Army of the Face of Jesus is very easy and very powerful! The short prayers only take 3 minutes a day and the promises for those with a Holy Face devotion are not to be missed. Join Today:
Our Lord makes us a present of his most Holy Face, that we may thereby be all-powerful before the throne of God.-Sr. Marie Peter
Our Mission is to convert the whole world to the Love of Jesus through the Powerful Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. To join the Army of the Face of Jesus is very easy and very powerful! The short prayers only take 3 minutes a day and the promises for those with a Holy Face devotion are not to be missed. Join Today:

Divine Mercy for the Dying
The mission of the DMD’s (Divine Mercy for the Dying) is the conversion of the whole world especially those who are Dying. The moment of death is the most critical moment in a person’s life. This is where the final decision of a person is made to either love God forever or not. Our Goal is to give the dying as much grace as possible through our members praying the Chaplet everyday for them and each other.
“Oh, dying souls are in such great need of prayer!-St. Faustina
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The mission of the DMD’s (Divine Mercy for the Dying) is the conversion of the whole world especially those who are Dying. The moment of death is the most critical moment in a person’s life. This is where the final decision of a person is made to either love God forever or not. Our Goal is to give the dying as much grace as possible through our members praying the Chaplet everyday for them and each other.
“Oh, dying souls are in such great need of prayer!-St. Faustina
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Friends of the Angels
Our Guardian Angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to invoke them. -St. John Vianney
The "Friends of the Angels" mission is to spread devotion to the Holy Angels especially our own Guardian Angel and prays a short set of prayers "Take courage and pray; your guardian angel will also pray for you, and your prayers will be answered."- Saint John Bosco Join Today:
Our Guardian Angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to invoke them. -St. John Vianney
The "Friends of the Angels" mission is to spread devotion to the Holy Angels especially our own Guardian Angel and prays a short set of prayers "Take courage and pray; your guardian angel will also pray for you, and your prayers will be answered."- Saint John Bosco Join Today:

Best Friends of the Holy Spirit
“Those who love the Holy Spirit experience every kind of happiness within themselves. The Holy Spirit leads us like a mother leads her little child, or like a person with sight leads a blind man."~St. John Vianney
The Best Friends of the Holy Spirit mission is to truly become the Best Friend of the Holy Spirit and to help other's to be as well. It involves praying a small set of prayers in the morning and a special short Prayer whenever inspired to.
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“Those who love the Holy Spirit experience every kind of happiness within themselves. The Holy Spirit leads us like a mother leads her little child, or like a person with sight leads a blind man."~St. John Vianney
The Best Friends of the Holy Spirit mission is to truly become the Best Friend of the Holy Spirit and to help other's to be as well. It involves praying a small set of prayers in the morning and a special short Prayer whenever inspired to.
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Saint Michael's Warriors
Anyone who has a devotion to Saint Michael should become one of Saint Michael’s Warriors where we pray powerful prayers to call down the protection of Saint Michael everyday and spread his devotion in anyway we can. Saint Michael is God’s Greatest Angel for he always gave God the Glory and his name means “Who is Like God” and his mission is to defend God’s People. Join Today:
Anyone who has a devotion to Saint Michael should become one of Saint Michael’s Warriors where we pray powerful prayers to call down the protection of Saint Michael everyday and spread his devotion in anyway we can. Saint Michael is God’s Greatest Angel for he always gave God the Glory and his name means “Who is Like God” and his mission is to defend God’s People. Join Today:

The Four Men Prayer Groups
I would like to introduce you to an exciting new men’s prayer group based on the Gospel of Mark’s story of Four Men who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. Through their faith they obtained their friends’ healing and the even greater miracle of the forgiveness of his sins. Members of this prayer group seek to continue this by bringing souls to Jesus through prayer and sacrifice. There are no meetings to attend so they are able to fit the five minute a day prayers and sacrifices easily into the very active life of most men nowadays.
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I would like to introduce you to an exciting new men’s prayer group based on the Gospel of Mark’s story of Four Men who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. Through their faith they obtained their friends’ healing and the even greater miracle of the forgiveness of his sins. Members of this prayer group seek to continue this by bringing souls to Jesus through prayer and sacrifice. There are no meetings to attend so they are able to fit the five minute a day prayers and sacrifices easily into the very active life of most men nowadays.
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The House of Divino Nino
The House of Divino Nino is the place where you can find the history of the devotion to Divino Nino, a powerful prayer to Divino Nino, and testimonials of His wonderful miracles. Also you can send us your prayer requests.
Divino Nino is waiting for you with open arms to help you. Please come to Him. The more you trust in Him the more you will see His remarkable miracles.
More at:
The House of Divino Nino is the place where you can find the history of the devotion to Divino Nino, a powerful prayer to Divino Nino, and testimonials of His wonderful miracles. Also you can send us your prayer requests.
Divino Nino is waiting for you with open arms to help you. Please come to Him. The more you trust in Him the more you will see His remarkable miracles.
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The End of Abortion Movement: The Rosary is the Key
On January 23, 2012, my husband and I received the grace to start a prayer movement that will commit to pray the Holy Rosary for the end of abortion. I truly believe that the Rosary is the key to end the greatest evil in this world. We believe that January 23, 2012 will mark the beginning of the end of abortion. The goal of this movement is to get as many people as possible to add “the end of abortion, contraception, and euthanasia to their daily intentions when they pray the Holy Rosary. All you have to do is to commit to pray five decades of the Rosary per day and if you already pray it, just add the intention "for the end of abortion, Contraception, and euthanasia to it. Join Today:
On January 23, 2012, my husband and I received the grace to start a prayer movement that will commit to pray the Holy Rosary for the end of abortion. I truly believe that the Rosary is the key to end the greatest evil in this world. We believe that January 23, 2012 will mark the beginning of the end of abortion. The goal of this movement is to get as many people as possible to add “the end of abortion, contraception, and euthanasia to their daily intentions when they pray the Holy Rosary. All you have to do is to commit to pray five decades of the Rosary per day and if you already pray it, just add the intention "for the end of abortion, Contraception, and euthanasia to it. Join Today:

Eucharistic Adoration 2 End Abortion
If people spent an hour a week in Eucharistic adoration, abortion would be ended. -St. Mother Teresa
Eucharistic Adoration 2 End Abortion members commit to spending an hour a week before the Blessed Sacrament or the Tabernacle where Jesus is waiting to hear our prayers. If not possible physically due to time constraints and duties, it is possible also to do the hour spiritually at another location through the use of a picture of the Blessed Sacrament. Soon through the power of all our prayers to the Eucharistic Jesus, Abortion will be ended. Join Today:
If people spent an hour a week in Eucharistic adoration, abortion would be ended. -St. Mother Teresa
Eucharistic Adoration 2 End Abortion members commit to spending an hour a week before the Blessed Sacrament or the Tabernacle where Jesus is waiting to hear our prayers. If not possible physically due to time constraints and duties, it is possible also to do the hour spiritually at another location through the use of a picture of the Blessed Sacrament. Soon through the power of all our prayers to the Eucharistic Jesus, Abortion will be ended. Join Today:

Pray for America
In the first place, let our prayers be directed towards disarming Divine wrath with regard to our own country.~St. Pio
At this time there is no doubt that America is in trouble as it has lost it's way from God. The country is corrupted by so many different sins, especially abortion. Perhaps you are not from America but you can still join us in praying for America as a conversion of America will spread to the whole world. America is currently spreading evils throughout the world, once converted America will spread God's love to the whole world. To join all you do is pray one simple prayer a day and all the members will pray for your intentions as well so that is Powerful! Join Today:
In the first place, let our prayers be directed towards disarming Divine wrath with regard to our own country.~St. Pio
At this time there is no doubt that America is in trouble as it has lost it's way from God. The country is corrupted by so many different sins, especially abortion. Perhaps you are not from America but you can still join us in praying for America as a conversion of America will spread to the whole world. America is currently spreading evils throughout the world, once converted America will spread God's love to the whole world. To join all you do is pray one simple prayer a day and all the members will pray for your intentions as well so that is Powerful! Join Today:

The Dolorians
Want Peace in your Family?
Then join the Dolorians where we pray a set of short prayers that take only 2 minutes a day to pray and there are so many promises that they obtain through prayers plus each member prays for each other as well so that union of prayer also obtains even more graces as the weak are upheld by the strong members. Through the graces of these prayers and through spreading the message of the Dolorians may all our members obtain happiness in this life and for eternity afterwards.
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Want Peace in your Family?
Then join the Dolorians where we pray a set of short prayers that take only 2 minutes a day to pray and there are so many promises that they obtain through prayers plus each member prays for each other as well so that union of prayer also obtains even more graces as the weak are upheld by the strong members. Through the graces of these prayers and through spreading the message of the Dolorians may all our members obtain happiness in this life and for eternity afterwards.
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