“Those who love the Holy Spirit experience every kind of happiness within themselves. The Holy Spirit leads us like a mother leads her little child, or like a person with sight leads a blind man. Those who love the Holy Spirit find prayer so delightful that they cannot find sufficient time to pray.”
The Best Friends of the Holy Spirit mission is to truly become the Best Friend of the Holy Spirit and to help other's to be as well. It involves praying a small set of prayers in the morning and a special short Prayer whenever inspired to.
“The Holy Spirit impresses on us the divine image and gives us superhuman loveliness. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, who truly lives in us. On this account we are called gods. Because of our union with the Holy Spirit, we share the divine, incomprehensible nature of God.” (St. Cyril)
We are bound to love and adore the Holy Spirit in our souls as really and truly as we are bound to adore Jesus Christ on the Altar. Nay, more; as an eminent Dominican theologian remarks, we have in a way a greater obligation to adore the Holy Spirit in our souls than to adore Jesus Christ on the altar, because if we fail to honor Jesus Christ on the altar, many others who enter the church will adore Him, so that He will not be abandoned and left alone. But if we fail to adore, honor and love the Holy Spirit in our souls, He is completely abandoned and left alone. No one can take our place. This is our personal obligation.
What an immense joy and consolation it is, we repeat, for us to know that the Holy Spirit is really, truly and personally in our souls. We are His living tabernacles. He is always with us. It seems incredible that few Christians realize this wonderful truth. They never think of the Holy Spirit during the long hours of the day; much less do they honor Him during the night, during their seven or eight hours of sleep.
But how can they honor the Holy Ghost when they are asleep? By realizing that He is with them when asleep and by offering their sleep in His honor...What a joy it would be to them if at night when they awaken, and sometimes when they remain awake for hours at a time, they spoke lovingly to Him and enjoyed His presence. And again how consoling for the sick, when suffering and alone, if they felt that the Holy Spirit Himself was really and truly with them. They never perhaps heard of this beautiful doctrine.
What can we do? Never forget your Best friend. It is important to talk with your Best Friend, spend time with Him, ask Him for the greatest gift He can give you. The gift of Holy Love for with the Gift of Love we can obtain all else besides.~Excerpt from the Holy Ghost Our Greatest Friend by Fr. Paul Sullivan OP
The Holy Spirit is the master of prayer, and causes us to abide in continual peace and cheerfulness, which is a foretaste of Paradise….If we wish the Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray, we must practise humility and obedience…The fruit we ought to get from prayer, is to do what is pleasing to the Lord.~St. Phillip Neri
So to become a Best Friend of the Holy Spirit one must pray a simple set of prayers in the morning:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
and Seven Glory Be's:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
For Wisdom, Glory be . . .
For Understanding, Glory be . . .
For Counsel, Glory be . . .
For Fortitude, Glory be . . .
For Knowledge, Glory be . . .
For Piety, Glory be . . .
For Fear of the Lord, Glory be . . .
Once a Day:
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you, save souls and take care of everything especially the intentions of the Best Friends of the Holy Spirit as well as mine and that the whole world joins us in these prayers! Amen.
Also whenever the Spirit moves you pray this prayer:
Holy Spirit, Fire of Love, My Best Friend fill me with your Love Forever!
Talk to your Best Friend whenever you can and truly become a Best Friend of the Holy Spirit!
Carry or wear a medal of the Holy Spirit which is a silent prayer to the Holy Spirit throughout the day! Get the Ultimate Decade Rosary that has ten medals including the Holy Spirit Medal! Powerful!
“The Holy Spirit impresses on us the divine image and gives us superhuman loveliness. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, who truly lives in us. On this account we are called gods. Because of our union with the Holy Spirit, we share the divine, incomprehensible nature of God.” (St. Cyril)
We are bound to love and adore the Holy Spirit in our souls as really and truly as we are bound to adore Jesus Christ on the Altar. Nay, more; as an eminent Dominican theologian remarks, we have in a way a greater obligation to adore the Holy Spirit in our souls than to adore Jesus Christ on the altar, because if we fail to honor Jesus Christ on the altar, many others who enter the church will adore Him, so that He will not be abandoned and left alone. But if we fail to adore, honor and love the Holy Spirit in our souls, He is completely abandoned and left alone. No one can take our place. This is our personal obligation.
What an immense joy and consolation it is, we repeat, for us to know that the Holy Spirit is really, truly and personally in our souls. We are His living tabernacles. He is always with us. It seems incredible that few Christians realize this wonderful truth. They never think of the Holy Spirit during the long hours of the day; much less do they honor Him during the night, during their seven or eight hours of sleep.
But how can they honor the Holy Ghost when they are asleep? By realizing that He is with them when asleep and by offering their sleep in His honor...What a joy it would be to them if at night when they awaken, and sometimes when they remain awake for hours at a time, they spoke lovingly to Him and enjoyed His presence. And again how consoling for the sick, when suffering and alone, if they felt that the Holy Spirit Himself was really and truly with them. They never perhaps heard of this beautiful doctrine.
What can we do? Never forget your Best friend. It is important to talk with your Best Friend, spend time with Him, ask Him for the greatest gift He can give you. The gift of Holy Love for with the Gift of Love we can obtain all else besides.~Excerpt from the Holy Ghost Our Greatest Friend by Fr. Paul Sullivan OP
The Holy Spirit is the master of prayer, and causes us to abide in continual peace and cheerfulness, which is a foretaste of Paradise….If we wish the Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray, we must practise humility and obedience…The fruit we ought to get from prayer, is to do what is pleasing to the Lord.~St. Phillip Neri
So to become a Best Friend of the Holy Spirit one must pray a simple set of prayers in the morning:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
and Seven Glory Be's:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
For Wisdom, Glory be . . .
For Understanding, Glory be . . .
For Counsel, Glory be . . .
For Fortitude, Glory be . . .
For Knowledge, Glory be . . .
For Piety, Glory be . . .
For Fear of the Lord, Glory be . . .
Once a Day:
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you, save souls and take care of everything especially the intentions of the Best Friends of the Holy Spirit as well as mine and that the whole world joins us in these prayers! Amen.
Also whenever the Spirit moves you pray this prayer:
Holy Spirit, Fire of Love, My Best Friend fill me with your Love Forever!
Talk to your Best Friend whenever you can and truly become a Best Friend of the Holy Spirit!
Carry or wear a medal of the Holy Spirit which is a silent prayer to the Holy Spirit throughout the day! Get the Ultimate Decade Rosary that has ten medals including the Holy Spirit Medal! Powerful!